The plan will serve as a strategic guide for operating, managing, and maintaining Traffic Signals throughout the City. The selected firm will work closely with city officials, stakeholders, and the community to develop the Traffic Signal Master Plan. The primary objectives of the Traffic Signal Master Plan are: • Optimizing Traffic Flow: Improve the efficiency of traffic movement through intersections by optimizing signal timings and phasing, reducing delays, and minimizing congestion in major areas such as Niblick Road, Creston Road, Spring Street, 13th Street, and 24th Street. • Enhancing Safety: Reduce the likelihood of accidents, improving overall road safety for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians by coordinating signals and implementing effective signal phasing. • Supporting Future Growth: Consider current traffic patterns and future growth, ensuring that the signal system can accommodate increased traffic volumes and changing patterns over time. • Promoting Sustainability: Reduce vehicle idling and fuel consumption, contributing to lower emissions and a smaller environmental footprint. • Improving Coordination: Ensure that signals work together seamlessly, especially in areas with multiple signals or complex intersections, leading to smoother traffic flow and fewer conflicts. • Addressing Specific Needs: Tailor solutions to address unique challenges in different areas, such as high-density zones, school zones, or areas with significant pedestrian traffic. 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICE: The following is not necessarily an exhaustive list of what is required to be included in the Traffic Signal Master Plan. However, the successful consultant is responsible to prepare a Traffic Signal Master Plan that meets Manual on Union Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards. 3.1 Research, Kickoff, Site Visit: The successful consultant will conduct baseline research on the City’s current signal operations procedures, historic maintenance records, the Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP), and any documentation related to traffic signal operations. Research should also include evaluating existing GIS mapping data and other relevant geospatial platforms. In addition, the successful consultant should review, at a minimum, the City’s General and Specific Plan’s, Bike Master Plan, and the City Circulation Element to understand and implement the City’s vision for future buildout. A site visit will be scheduled to identify and discover the required documents and other data sources for inclusion in the Traffic Signal Master Plan. 3.2 Traffic Signal Master Plan Components: The successful consultant will develop a watershed plan that aligns with Attachment B (Building Blocks of a Traffic Signal Master Plan) included in this RFP. In addition, the key components identified in Attachment B are to be incorporated into the Traffic Signal Master Plan as a baseline. However, the City understands that the components may change or may be added dependent on the needs of a successful master plan. 3.3 Meetings: The successful consultant will attend a kickoff and discovery meeting with City staff (planning, public works, engineering, and technology departments) to confirm tasks and project coordination. In addition, attend a second meeting to review initial findings during the PRWSP development. Plan to coordinate with City staff to prepare for one City Council meeting to present the final Traffic Signal Master Plan. 3.4 Deliverables: The successful consultant will prepare a preliminary draft Traffic Signal Master Plan for City review and comment. Once comments are provided, the successful consultant shall prepare the final Traffic Signal Master Plan be developed in preparation for final adoption by the City Council.