1. Contractor to provide all labor, equipment and materials to remove trees, stumps, and debris. All debris to be disposed of by contractor off university property. 2. Contractor to perform work during normal business hours. 3. The attached map provides areas where work will be performed. All trees and stumps that are to be removed are marked and flagged by the university. Attachment C. 4. A site visit is required by contractors prior to bidding. The contractor is responsible for verifying all quantities and sizes of trees and stumps to be removed. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for all work area clean up to include removal of limbs and debris. Contractor to fill any holes with dirt left by removed stumps. Fill dirt is provided by the university. 6. The estimated number of trees to be removed is 44. Most trees are greater than 6 inches in diameter. 7. The estimated number of stumps to be removed is 25. All voids left by removed stumps shall be filled in by the contractor. Dirt will be provided by the university. 8. The Contractor shall always maintain a clean work site. 9. The Contractor shall coordinate all work schedules through the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). 10. Start/Completion – The Contractor shall provide a proposed start to completion dates.