A. Serve as the County Emergency Medical Services Medical Director (EMSMD). The EMSMD is responsible for such items as noted below as well as what is noted in OAR 847-035- 0025. B. Serve as the Medical Director for the provider selected to operate the Ambulance Service Area (ASA) and additional agencies that contract with Washington County for the provision of EMS medical direction services: 1. Act as Physician Supervisor for EMS Clinicians employed by the County ASA ambulance service provider (Ambulance Contractor) for emergency services. 2. Provide regular office and telephone consultation: approximately nine (9) hours each week . The office hours may be used for committee meetings, quality improvement projects, meetings with individual EMS Clinicians, and educational planning needs. Telephone consultations will be available for operations and activities with immediate needs. 3. Quality Improvement Program: Oversee the Ambulance Contractor’s and additional contracted agency’s quality improvement program, including the development of countywide clinical Key Performance Indicators (KPI).