In search of an internship administrator for the RPD’s Volunteer Division annual needs for Americorps internship positions. Interns work full time for 10 months as environmental educators and various other volunteer programs citywide. The administrator helps recruit interns and handles the hiring paperwork. The administrator should offer a cash-cost share of the positions, fund the positions jointly, and have experience with Americorps. They will provide health insurance, a transportation stipend, and biweekly stipend payment and a housing allowance. The administrator also manages timesheets, provides a uniform, offers trainings, and monthly check-in support. Upon completion of their service, interns qualify for and Americorps Education Award for future schooling or student loan payment, which the Administrator makes available. Administrators provide Risk Management support systems, including a 24/7 emergency hotline, evaluations of programs and a continuum of opportunities within their organization.