1. 120 kV maximum acceleration voltage, with guaranteed operation starting from 20 kV variable in 100 V preset steps. 2. Magnification ranges from x50-x600,000 or reasonable approximation. 3. All parts must be run by fully integrated software. 4. Hardware, electronics, and software components of the microscope must be capable of being serviced by the microscope manufacturer. 5. The installation material, labor and training must be included with the microscopes. The training shall be a minimum of one (1) day on-site with an application specialist for up to six microscopists. 6. The microscope must provide performance access for a wide range of applications, imaging of cells, cell organelles, bacteria and viruses. 7. The microscopes software must automatically recall all optimized operating conditions, including lens settings, gun parameters, optical alignments and aperture alignments for the instrument and the different accelerating voltages. 8. The microscope shall have a CMOS camera with a minimum of 4k x 3k pixels, ideally in the side mount location. 9. The camera shall be fully integrated with the microscope. 10. A single tilt sample holder must be included. 11. The microscope must include a column that has an oil-free vacuum system. 12. An AIR-COOLED water chiller recirculator must be provided. No facilities for H2O for chiller site. 13. The stage shall be fully motorized with all four axes, XYZ and alpha tilt, with accurate specimen position recall and easy retrieval. 14. The microscope shall have a secure remote access feature that would facilitate remote diagnosis by the manufacturer’s microscope service engineers. 15. There shall be a quick recovery time after specimen holder insertion of less than 2 minutes for room temperature specimens. 16. The microscope space available for installation is 11’6” x 9’9”. The microscope must be able to able to be installed and operated at factory specs in this space. Supplier’s bid will be disqualified if their site evaluation is not successful. 17. The microscope to electrical/building connection must be able to be connected as a male plug. 18. Current electron microscope (FEI Tecnai 12 microscope only) will be traded in and must be removed from the building by winning bidder. Contact Randall Massey (rjmassey@wisc.edu) for more information.