* Offerors bids/pricing are due as a lump sum for this project. Offerors are to provide pricing for construction services for the berm remediation for the large gun range on campus and all work associated, this work is considered as a soil remediation of the berm's present condition, providing compaction, seed/straw on surface including subsidiary work described below: * Barriers and/or isolations are required to separate work areas from occupied spaces, control dust, debris, and materials outside of work areas and on campus roads, parking lots, and walks are to be cleaned up immediately. * Contractor shall conduct lead reclamation as required to provide a clean and usable range free of safety concerns while conducting events in the lanes. * Soil to be removed from the impacted areas and mechanically screened to separate both large and small lead shot particles. Bullets and lead fragments to be removed, cleaned, and containerized on-site for recycling. * Containerized lead to be weighed, documented, and inventoried before shipping off-site for recycling. Contractor to provide Metro with a final report that includes the Bill of Lading and Certificate of Disposal for all recycled lead. * Following screening, compact soil on slope and tie into existing contour. * Contractor shall haul in new, clean soil as required that will promote good vegetation growth and is free of any rock or debris that could pose ricochet hazards. * Final grade shall be sloped and tie into existing hill side contour above. * Provide all erosion and sediment control during the duration of the project. Erosion control and permanent grassing: Install temporary silt fencing and erosion control measures, install erosion control matting on finished slopes as shown in the Police Training Academy Berm Plan, Install permanent grassing as instructed – Seeds is to be a winter rye and fescue mix. * Contractor