A. The Contractor shall provide user access to the LEMS through a secure, web-based portal. B. The LEMS must provide a user-friendly administrative interface with automated workflows for common functions (referrals, applications, eligibilities, plans, performance-data collection, reports, etc.). C. The LEMS should stress consistency across all the different modules so that the process is easy to learn and understand. D. The LEMS must be browser and operating system agnostic for all user types and should function accurately on common modern browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. E. The LEMS must not require additional browser plug-ins, add-ons, or helper applications. The LEMS must have a Responsive User Interface (RUI) and be accessible and function normally from mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones, and chrome books, including, but is not limited to, iPhones, iPads, and Android based phones and tablets. 2.6 AUDIT FUNCTIONALITY A. The system must track all historical inquiries and data changes including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Date and time of inquiry/modification 2. Type of activity 3. Identification of the user 4. All fields inquired and/or modified B. Authorized State Admin Users shall have the ability to login and view the audit details online...