The Humboldt County Resource Conservation District (HCRCD) has prepared this Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) to identify a pool of experienced and qualified contractors (“Pool”) to perform a range of fuel treatment services on Yurok Tribal lands located in the Pecwan Watershed. From Klamath Glen the site is approximately 30 miles (2 hours) from the Arrow Mills Gate (HWY 169). From Weitchpec - Martin’s Ferry Bridge, the site is approximately 20 miles (1-3/4 hours). The proposed activities are part of a grant-funded program to support Tribal stewardship and facilitate future use of low-intensity fire to enhance forest health, reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire, and promote culturally important species. The HCRCD expects to retain the services of qualified contractors within the Pool over a sixmonth period and to hire 1 – 3 crews for work immediately, weather dependent. This Request for Qualifications may periodically be reissued during this period. Selection for the Pool does not guarantee a professional services agreement. Contractor will work in close coordination with the Yurok Tribe. Given the short work window, contractors will be encouraged to maximize daylight hours either commuting to the project site during non-daylight hours or setting up a spike camp. The types of services that may be required to complete this project include the following manual fuels treatments, including either lop and scatter manual thinning and building burn piles from the generated material. Work will continue throughout the winter, weather permitting, until March 31, 2025. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS The following is a list of the desired qualifications and experience for contractors responding to this RFQ: ● Experience with and ability to successfully complete the activities described in the Scope of Services above. ● Own or have access to the appropriate equipment (e.g., chainsaws, pole saws, etc). ● Experience with and ability to operate all necessary equipment safely, effectively, and efficiently. ● Ability to understand and comply with environmental compliance and other permitting requirements. ● Experience with and ability to work respectfully and cooperatively with Yurok Tribal members. ● Experience with and ability to compile and submit to HCRCD photo documentation, reporting and invoicing. ● Knowledge of methods to reduce the spread of invasive species associated with fuels reduction activities. ● Knowledge and understanding of project budgeting and cost controls, particularly for grant funded projects. ● Ability and willingness to be flexible and responsive to evolving project needs. ● Possession of, or ability to secure and provide to HCRCD, the required insurance certificates (See Attachment A for the detailed list of insurance requirements).