Coiling Door Requirements The following is a list of attributes the new coiling door to be installed will needs to meet. There are more aspects which may need to be met for the building and fire code which the contractor is also required to meet but these cover the items the county wants to ensure are included in the new door: • Fire Rated Light Duty Commercial Door Operator • 90-minute fire rating for the door itself • Manual/Electrical control of the door as well as integration into an access control system Contractor Responsibilities The following is a list of tasks the contractor is responsible to complete. • Purchase a replacement coiling door which meets all codes (fire, building, correctional, etc.) and county requirements. • Remove and dispose of the currently installed coiling door. • Install the purchased coiling door. • Run (or hire a subcontractor to run) electrical as needed to the new coiling door. • Ensure any inspections of the doors are completed. • Integrate (or hire a contractor to integrate) the electrical door controls into the juvenile access control (Stanley Commander) • Integrate (or hire a contractor to integrate) the door controls into the buildings fire alarm panel. • The contractor is responsible for hiring and contracting all needed subcontractors for this work (fire, electrical, access integrators, etc.) • Ensure the opening size is measured accurately for the purchased door. Dakota County will not be responsible for any door purchased which does not fit securely within the opening. Dakota County Staff Responsibilities The following is a list of tasks the county is responsible to complete for the contractor. • Ensure the contractor has access to areas of the building needed. • Provide a list of contractors already authorized to work in the secure area. • Provide a schedule of when the contractors may do the work.