The objective of this project is to remove non-native brush and small trees in the park district woodlands and to greatly reduce their ability to reinvade the area via seed or re-sprouting. JCPRD seeks a qualified firm using specific heavy-duty forestry clearing equipment to mow all non-native seedling, sapling, and mature shrubs to ground level, and as necessary hand cut, mist blow, and basal bark spray within each designated restoration. Stump grinding below grade is not required for this project. Numerous native trees and shrubs are present in the project areas including many species of Oak and Hickory. The contractor must be careful to not damage any native shrub during the course of the project and may have to clear sensitive areas by hand to avoid impacts. Prospective contractors must demonstrate successful past-experience working on weed management on public land and demonstrate staff has advanced knowledge of regional flora. JCPRD staff may delineate certain sensitive and high-quality areas with yellow caution tape where machinery is not permitted under any circumstances. Contractors violating this restriction may face cancellation of the contract. The Contractor may request JCPRD to mark actual project boundaries on the ground with paint and flagging tape.