The project area is on the east side of Highway 50 in Scipio Valley, south of the town of Scipio, in Millard County, Utah on TLA lands located within the BLM Fillmore Field Office boundary. Project occurs on T19S R2W, Section 36 and T20S R2W, Section 36. The request cultural resource inventory will be covering the acres slated for mastication (heavy machinery) treatment on TLA lands as well as a fenceline on TLA land to protect the fuels treatment. Although this solicitation consists entirely of State Trust Lands, it is part of a larger project which includes federal lands and is therefore subjected to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (36CFR800). The BLM-FFO is lead agency for Section 106 consultation. Given the DWR and TLA nexus, the undertaking will also be compliant with Utah Code Annotated 9-8a-404. The survey, reporting, and SHPO consultation will be completed under state and federal cultural resource regulations and standards.