i) Provide laboratory analyses for all 55 WWTP facilities. Sampling frequencies for these facilities range from bi-weekly to a semi-annual basis, with majority of the samples being collected monthly. Alle samples will be collected by an approved operator from DU. ii) The provider shall provide “Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing (biomonitoring)” on a quarterly basis for the West St. Tammany (WST) and Cross gates WWTP. DU anticipates collecting a maximum eight (8) samples per calendar year for both “Ceriodaphina Dubia and Pimephales Promelas testing”. All samples will be collected by an approved operator from DU. iii) The provider shall provide an analysis of sewage sludge samples collected from Cross Gates, West St. Tammany, and Castine WWTP. DU anticipates collecting a maximum of one (1) sample from each facility per calendar year. Samples must be analyzed for TCLP and any other parameters identified on the proposal sheet. All samples will be collected by an approved operator from DU. v) The provider shall provide all necessary sample bottles, labels, chains of custody, and ice chests to DU at no additional cost. vi) The Provider shall provide a courier to deliver sample containers and puck up samples both to and from our two (2) buildings, 1) Cross Gates | 350 N. Military Rd., in Slidell and 2) Tyler St. Warehouse 636 W. 26th Ave., in Covington twice per week, or when deemed appropriate by a DU operator. vii) The Provider must provide and prepare all required Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR’S) in accordance with DU’s LPDES Permits, at no additional costs. viii)The provider shall deliver, by either mail or electronically, records of analyses of the completed labs the provider complied. ix) The Provider shall closely monitor the analytical results and provide notification to DU in the event of a permit within limit exceedance. Said notification shall be immediate upon discovery and must be provided in one or more of the following forms: Telephone, fax, text, or e-mail.