Remove existing all-weather track surface in lanes 1 and 2. Saw cut the existing hot-mix asphalt at lane 1-2 line (see Sheet C-1 for specified location). Regrade lane 1 as necessary to provide the required section and slope. Place and compact six (6) inches of Type 2 Class B aggregate base rock and three (3) inches of hot mix asphalt to the specified section, grade, compaction, and surface tolerance. Re-pour six (6) inch concrete curb along curve as specified on Sheet C-1. Apply approved basemat structural spray synthetic track surface to match existing surface in lanes 1 and 2 in accordance with the manufacturers written recommendations and noted requirements. Sand, prepare, prime existing track surface and provide two (2) layers polyurethane re-top structural spray per manufacturers recommendations. (see Conica Conipur SP specifications). Athletic surface color and striping to match existing.