1.0 These specifications cover all labor, contractor’s owned consumable materials, and equipment required to perform technical appraisal, repairs, and testing for all UV lighting, and related emergency repairs as needed and specified below. 2.0 The words "Owner" or "NOAB" refer to the New Orleans Aviation Board. 3.0 The work consists of purchasing and performing preventative maintenance and repairs on the UV lighting and equipment at the Airport, for a contract period of one (1) year with option of four (4) one-year renewals. 4.0 Bidders are requested to submit quoted bid prices on the following main work items: 46 AHUS’S UV Resources on Concourse A, B, C & Terminal A. Replace bulbs annually as recommended by the manufacturer; B. Services/equipment includes, but are not limited to: • Bulb rings • UV bulbs • LED Sensors • Pressure Switches Tubing • Fuses PNQ -R-1-1/2 • Ballast • Wires • Door sensors • UV -C lamps • Install on all 46 units UV-C lamp hour meters.