• Install and distribute Public Safety services throughout Richmond Hill Middle School • Support all frequencies used by the City of Augusta AHJ • Provide flexibility and modularity to easily accommodate additional services or system expansions without requiring major upgrades or system modifications. • Include all systems, subsystems, equipment, components, transmission media, connection/termination apparatus, cabling, fiber, etc. necessary for a complete operating ERRCS. • Provide and install a backup battery system for any component electrically powered. Per City Code, the system shall be capable of operating on battery or generator power for at least 12 hours without external power or manual intervention. The battery system will be selfmaintaining and will automatically charge in the presence of external power. • Provide the infrastructure for proactive management. The system must be able to engage with and provide fault management information to the county’s police dispatch center, and the appropriate emergency service dispatch centers. • The system must meet all FCC requires for installation and registration as applicable.