• Provide all supplies, materials, equipment, and labor necessary to perform the work. • Coordinate service schedule with Director of Maintenance and check in with each respective school to ensure school authorities are aware of their presence prior to starting site work. • Mow all storm water retention pond areas to include the pond bottoms (dry ponds), embankments, side slopes, perimeter areas, and access areas. Vegetation must be maintained to normal water line throughout the entire area and not exceed 12” in height. • Maintenance during periods of extreme rain is not mandated and equipment should only enter these areas when reasonably accessible. • Herbicides are NOT to be used beyond control at the fence line and this must not exceed a width of 3 inches. • Periodically de-thatch, soil condition, re-seed and fertilize as necessary to maintain vegetation coverage. • Not cut Grass shorter than 4 inches. • A 10-foot unmowed vegetated buffer around the immediate perimeter of any wet pond may be established to filter pollutants from adjacent properties and to help prevent shoreline erosion. • Contractor will remove all trees and tree roots from retention pond dams and embankments to prevent decomposition with the embankment, and then plug/fill all voids. Trees that must be removed from the floor of the ponds may be mulched in place as long as the mulch does not impede the proper functioning of the retention ponds. Smaller trees will be handled by bush hogging and will be included as regular maintenance of the retention ponds. • Weed eating may be required inside retention pond fences. Work in this area can be performed monthly, but vegetation must not exceed 12 inches in height. Bowl and top and back side of the dam must be maintained in all retention ponds to required height of 12 inches.