1. Make IC, Blue Bird, or Thomas 2. Passenger Capacity 65 passenger capacity 3. Color A. Exterior Per State and Federal regulations Roof to be painted white B. Interior Painted white 4. Seating A. Passenger Seats 1. Spacing Maximum knee space allowed by State and Federal Regulations 2. Upholstery Fully padded 52 ounce, blue vinyl, fire blocked material under seats 3. Retainer Provide clamp to allow seat bottom to be raised for cleaning 4. ICS Seating Provide Integrated Child Seating in the first 2 rows (4 total) B. Driver’s Seat Deluxe air ride seat C. Driver’s Seatbelt 3-point retractor type 5. Flooring Minimum 5/8” waterproof marine plywood over steel with floor as follows: permanently bonded to floor, and all seams sealed with waterproof sealer. Entire floor, aisle and step area should utilize blue marbleized floor covering to match seats. Metal molding over all seams. A. Front entrance steps Covered with ribbed rubber 3-step entrance B. Underseat area Fire resistant rubber covering or approved equal with minimum thickness of .125” C. Wheelhousing Same as underseat area and insulated D. Aisle floor Aisle-type, ribbed, non-skid wear, fire resistant rubber covering, minimum overall thickness .1875 or approved equal