2.1 Purpose Federal and state laws require that all Idaho public school students in grades 3-8 and high school be assessed annually on their grade-level proficiency in the Idaho Content Standards in mathematics and English/Language Arts (ELA), and in grades 5, 8, and 11 for science. The Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) and the Idaho Alternate Assessment (IDAA) serve as the required statewide assessments. The Idaho Department of Education (the Department) seeks information from potential vendors regarding possible solutions for the content and test delivery services of the ISAT and IDAA. For this RFI, “content” refers to interim and summative assessment item banks, along with all related item and form development. “Delivery services” include, but are not limited to, test administration, scoring, reporting, psychometrics, analysis, and student data management. The necessary services include the following: • Regular standards achievement test (with and without accommodations) for mathematics and ELA; • Regular standards achievement test for science (with and without accommodations); and • Alternate assessment in mathematics, ELA, and science. The Department recognizes that potential vendors may offer content and/or delivery services for one or more subject areas, whether for regular or alternate assessments. Vendors are encouraged to respond to the RFI for either or both types of assessments (regular or alternate) and may describe services related to content, test delivery, or both.