The project will include construction of approximately 850 feet of shared-use path with creek overlooks, retaining walls, railroad underpass structure, pedestrian bridge structure, illumination, signing, pavement markings, irrigation, landscaping, and other urban design features. Project elements include: • The Pringle Creek Pathway will be considered a shared-use path that must be designed to accommodate pedestrians, bicycles, emergency vehicles, and maintenance vehicles for both the City and Burlington Northern and Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway. ADA compliance is required for the pathway and all associated features. • The pedestrian bridge connecting the path across Pringle Creek at the project’s east limit is envisioned to attach/hang from the underside of the Commercial Street SE Bridge. Other location options could be considered during the project’s initial alternatives analysis phase. A stairway will be constructed on the west side of the Commercial Street Bridge connecting the path to the street grade. • Landscaping will be an important component pf the project, especially along the bank of Pringle Creek between Commercial Street SE and the BNSF rail line. Landscaping elements include terraced plantings, wall treatments, creek overlooks, seat walls, art exhibits, and wayfinding/interpretive signage. • The pathway alignment will pass under the existing railroad bridge and may require a structure to cross the existing grade and a protection cover directly beneath the rail line. Significant coordination with BNSF Railway is anticipated.