The project consists of the construction of a new building to house the various programs offered by the Department of Leisure Services including the Elmwood Senior Center in addition to other West Hartford community programs, such as Emergency Management, Social Services, and the Teen Center. It will also include the Faxon Library branch. The approximate size of the building is 82,000 square feet and estimated construction cost is $55,000,000. The Town will seek Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification version 4.0/4.1. Additional funding will be pursued through Eversource’s Path I Net-Zero utility incentive program as well as qualifying Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) energy investment tax credits, and IRS Section 179-D deductions. The Eversource Path 1 program includes targeting a site Energy Use Intensity (EUI) of 25 or less and working with a utility-approved Net-Zero Consultant.