Task 1: Project Structure and Work Plan Building on the scope of work presented in their proposal, and incorporating any relevant changes made during contract negotiations, the consultant will prepare a detailed work plan and the achievable timeline for the Project design to be completed by June 2025. The work plan will outline the overall approach, as well as specic actions and activities that will occur during the project and how these will result in a successful conclusion to the study. Task 2: Project Management and Coordination The Consultant shall be required to manage the study and coordinate any sub-consultants, as well as bear responsibility for all documentation and equipment needs. The Consultant will identify a project lead from their team to act as the direct point of contact of the City’s project manager. Page 38 of 51 5 This task also includes regular progress meetings with the City’s Review Team(CRT), monthly progress reports, and the preparation and submission of invoices. When submitting progress reports, the consultant will be required to outline the following: ● Performed work; ● Upcoming task and/or milestones; ● State of scope and schedule; and, ● Any foreseen issues that may come up before the next progress report. The consultant shall be responsible for the preparation and coordination of all data collection, data analysis, technical memorandum, and draft documents for the CRT. The City’s Team shall be responsible for coordinating and scheduling meetings and assisting the consultant in developing agendas. The consultant will be expected to work closely with the City’s Team on the coordination and distribution of materials to the CRT as applicable. The City Review Team (CRT) will be comprised of staff from several departments within the city including Administration, Parks & recreation, Urban Land Management, and Planning and Development. The CRT may also include members of City Council, the Army Corps and/or any other major stakeholder group. The CRT is responsible for selecting a rm to be recommended for Council approval.