The Contractor shall provide all labor, tools materials, and equipment to maintain the grounds areas listed herein. Work includes, weed control, trash pickup/ blowing of debris in all areas effected by bed maintenance, picking up leaves, trimming ground cover to maintain boarders, keep jasmine trimmed, maintaining beds (herein beds are to refer to all landscaping beds including but not limited to; flower, jasmine, shrub, bush, mulch & rock beds, planters, and all raised and fixed, potters and beds.), tree trimming and spraying pesticides & herbicides. Debris clearing should be included in the price of all services. Debris clearing to include removal of all limbs and branches under 50 lbs. from bed areas listed, as well as debris from trimming and weed control. The University reserves the right to change the frequency for, trimming, edging, and weed control prior to the beginning of any month. Any changes will be communicated to the contractor’s representative prior to the beginning of the month effected...