Modifications to an existing pump station, an existing diversion structure, and at an existing wastewater treatment facility. The WORK at the IT2 pump station includes establishing erosion and sediment control; establishing a bypass of the pump station; demolition of a section of existing 20” yard piping; demolition of existing asphalt and concrete in the station parking lot; demolition of storm sewer piping; installation of new permanent force main intertie piping and vault; installation of a new permanent pigging port, flow meter and vault; new surge valve and expansion of existing surge vault; new yard piping and valves; new storm sewer piping and two manholes; new pump, valves and process piping; new level sensors in the wet well; new controls and electrical equipment; new station parking lot asphalt; new generator; new hoist and rail for pump room; new hoist on the building roof. The WORK at the diversion structure includes establishing erosion and sediment control;