The Department of Health seeks a Contractor to supply the following items under a resulting contract: A. Luminex xTAG Cystic Fibrosis (CFTR) v2 USIVD Kits B. Luminex 100/200 Calibration Kits C. Luminex 100/200 Performance Verification Kits D. Luminex xMAP Sheath Fluid 2.3 SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL TEST KITS AND SUPPLIES The Test Kits and Supplies must meet, at a minimum, the following specifications: A. No substitutions or alternates will be accepted on this IFB. All test kits and supplies must be Luminex brand only. B. Test kits and supplies must be delivered within fifteen (15) days of Purchase Order issuance. C. Test kits and supplies must be returnable within thirty (30) days of receipt, at no cost to the State. D. Test kits and supplies must be sealed in tamper resistant packaging. E. Test kits and supplies must have, at a minimum, a shelf life of six (6) months.