• Review ASTM Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment report(s); • Review “Wetlands and Watercourse Delineation” to be prepared by Towne Engineering; • Review available geotechnical conditions and wetlands reports prepared for the project site. • Perform five (5) geotechnical soil borings to explore the subsurface conditions and determine if groundwater exists, as well as test pits that will include soil infiltration testing for storm water and field design. • The borings will be advanced to depths of about 10 to 30 feet below the existing site grade, or until refusal, whichever is shallower. • Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) will be collected continuously to 12 feet and at five-foot intervals to the termination depth of the soil borings. • Observe groundwater levels during drilling operations and record on the boring logs. • Backfill borings with soil cuttings and patch ground surface with cold patch asphalt in paved areas or topsoil, seed and hay in landscape areas. • Identify and test collected soil samples. • Perform laboratory testing on representative soil samples to verify soil descriptions and determine mechanical and physical properties of the soil. • Call Call-Before-You-Dig (CYBD) to mark utilities in the vicinity of the exploration locations. • Prepare a written engineering report that presents findings and recommendations. • The engineering report will include the following, but not limited to: o A summary of the review of available information. o Observations from the site exploration, including current site conditions, surface drainage features and surface topographic conditions. o A subsurface characterization and a description of the field exploration and laboratory test performed; groundwater elevations, if encountered, will be summarized. o Provide Basic Seismic Site Class recommendations based on observations at the boring locations and the understanding of the regional subsurface conditions. o Recommend foundation types including maximum net allowable soil and rock bearing pressures (as applicable), bearing elevations, minimum foundations dimensions, minimum foundation embedment depths, and estimates of total and differential settlements. o Recommend slab construction, subgrade improvements, modulus of subgrade reaction and general under slab reaction and drainage as necessary. o Recommend the management of groundwater during construction and permanent groundwater control systems as necessary. o Recommend excavation and rock removal as necessary. o Provide recommendations for lateral earth pressure coefficients (active, passive and at rest), soil unit weight, and coefficient of soil friction. o Recommend retaining walls and below grade walls. o Recommend the suitability to reuse on-site materials as engineered fill to support grade, slabs, and pavement. Provide compaction requirements and suitable material guidelines. o Recommend pavement design and construction. o Recommend soil erosion and sedimentation control measures, including slope stability during and after construction. o Provide exploration logs, records of field explorations and exploration location plan. o Recommend additional subsurface explorations if warranted. • Provide periodic consultation with the ARCADIS project manager during the design phase of the subject project. • Evaluate the geotechnical engineering related portion of the project bids.