All Offerors must be able to provide the following scope of services. Describe in detail how you will provide the services listed below. Also identify any relationships with vendors necessary to provide the services. 1.2.1 Group Team Travel Services Offeror must have the ability to make reservations to meet the needs of a particular trip including but not limited to banquet arrangements, meeting rooms, audio/visual etc. 1.2.2 Airline Reservations 1.2.3 Hotel Reservations Each sport has a designated travel coach or director of operations who oversees the hotel arrangements. Many of the sports utilize an outside service to assist them with the hotel arrangements. 1.2.4 Rental Car Reservations 1.2.5 Ground Shuttle/Charter Bus Services Each sport has a designated travel coach who oversees the charter bus arrangements. Many of the sports utilize an outside service to assist them with the charter bus arrangements.