The Work includes the following major items: a. Installation and maintenance of sediment and erosion and stormwater control measures in preparation for abatement, cleanup, and demolition activities. b. Deactivation, disconnection, and capping of utilities or confirmation thereof. c. Abatement and disposal of interior asbestos-containing materials. d. Abatement and disposal of window systems including adjacent brick façade as mixed asbestos and PCBs at concentrations ≥50 parts per million (ppm). e. Abatement and disposal of window systems (Side A – Lower Level) and door caulk as mixed asbestos and PCBs at concentrations <50 ppm. f. Removal and disposal of universal and other regulated/hazardous building wastes. g. Abatement or demolition/segregation/disposal of exterior asbestoscontaining roofing materials. h. Excavation and disposal of building perimeter soils as PCB Remediation Waste (>50 ppm). i. Demolition, containerization, and disposal of the building as PCBs at concentrations <50 ppm, including disposal/recycling of all PCBcontaining metal components. Tighe&Bond Notch Road Municipal Center Demolition 01110-2 Summary of Work 1) Contractor has the option to leave exterior asbestos-containing roofing materials in place during building demolition. If so, then the building must be demolished, containerized, and disposed of as mixed asbestos and PCBs at concentrations <50 ppm. j. Remove and dispose/recycle non-hazardous site debris, piping, equipment, and refuse as general construction debris. k. Backfill, compact, regrade (as necessary), and restore with loam and grass the foundation openings and other areas impacted by the demolition and soil excavation work