1. Description of the commodity that USM is seeking to procure: Upper Extremity Dislocation Trainer will provide simulations for dislocations on 4 different joints, with 2 directions for the shoulder, 1 for the elbow, 1 for the thumb, and 4 for other fingers. Knee and Ankle Sports Injury Assessment Trainer provides the ability to perform joint stability testing on 3 knee ligaments and 4 ankle structures. Lower Extremity Dislocation Trainer provides simulations for 4 dislocations at 2 separate joints, 2 directions for the patella and 2 directions for the ankle. 2. Explanation of why the commodity is the only one that meets the needs of the agency: The Upper Extremity Dislocation Trainer from Realityworks provides the ability to simulate dislocations in 3 different areas of the upper extremity on a single model. Other companies offer models to simulate dislocations; however, they require individual models for each body joint and do not include as many simulations in the thumb or fingers. A single model provides efficiency and easier storage options. The Knee and Ankle Sports Injury Assessment Trainer provides the ability to evaluate multiple structures within the knee and ankle. With joints having multiple structures that require testing for diagnosis of injury, simulating these tests on each structure is imperative for student learning. A single model provides efficiency and easier storage options. The Lower Extremity Dislocation Trainer from Realityworks is currently the only model on the market to simulate dislocation of the patella and ankle. 3. Explanation of why the source is the only source is the only person or entity that can provide the required commodity: Realityworks provides comprehensive models while other companies only provide individual models. Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification.