IPERS Request for Qualifications for Construction Manager At Risk for lobby construction and security enhancement of IPERS' headquarters lobby. 2. PROJECT DELIVERY/SERVICES The Project will be constructed using the “construction manager-at-risk” project delivery format authorized by Iowa Code Chapter 26A and as more fully set forth below. As a result of a separate solicitation, IPERS selected Farnsworth Group, Inc., to provide professional design services for the Project (“Architect”). The Architect will develop the requirements and specifications for the Project. The Pre-construction and Construction Phase Services of the construction manager-at-risk (“Construction Manager”) are generally described below and will be set forth in more detail in the IPERS and Construction Manager agreement issued to the short-listed firms during the Request for Proposals Phase (See Part 3.B of this RFQ). A. Pre-Construction Phase Services. The Construction Manager will work cooperatively with IPERS, the Architect and any other consultants to the Project that may be retained by the IPERS, and Construction Manager will provide, among other services, cost estimating, budgeting, value engineering, constructability review, Guaranteed Maximum Price (“GMP”) proposal, permits, scheduling and pre-construction planning throughout the Pre-Construction Phase (including the schematic design, design development and construction documents phases). B. Construction Phase Services. The Construction Manager shall construct the Project pursuant to the construction documents and in accordance with the IPERS’ schedule requirements under a Guaranteed Maximum Price. Selection of subcontractors shall be based on competitive pricing submitted by prequalified subcontractors in accordance with criteria approved by IPERS and in accordance with the requirements of Iowa Code § 26A.5(a). The Construction Manager shall hold all subcontracts and shall be fully responsible for the means and methods of construction, Project safety, and Project completion within the agreed-upon schedule for the Project.