(1) Cultural Resources, Education, and Interpretation: The Consultant will research and identify the cultural resources of the corridor and the significance of those resources. Beyond this, the Consultant will review current methods of interpretation and educational programming related to the cultural resources of the area with particular interest in the history of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. Of particular note, the Muscogee (Creek) Nation should be the lead entity for coordination within this area of study to ensure that history is accurately reflected within this plan. Furthermore, planning efforts for cultural resources should be directed first and foremost to best reflect the interests of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. This programmatic element will include a study of the educational needs of the community and nation related to the Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve Corridor. The Consultant will also identify opportunities for collaboration with local governments and organizations regarding cultural resources. This study will inform recommendations to more effectively tell the story of 17,000 years of continuous human habitation and increase appreciation of the area’s rich cultural heritage. Request for Proposals: Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve Corridor Strategic Plan 15 Specific items to be addressed in this element include but are not limited to the following: a. The built environment of important cultural sites throughout the study area and any encroachment on cultural resources b. Educational and interpretive programs as well as cultural programming to increase awareness of tribal history in the area c. Coordination of needs and opportunities with the Muscogee (Creek) Nation d. Community aesthetics and appropriate preservation of the surrounding environment e. Recommendations for enhancing and improving intergovernmental review and coordination activities between the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and its local, state, and federal partners. In particular, this should include guidance for better coordination during the Section 106 review process. f. Assistance with information gathering and consolidation in order to support a formal application for designation of the Ocmulgee area as a Traditional Cultural Property on the National Register of Historic Places. (2) Conservation and Land Protection: The Consultant will research and identify a variety of environmental conditions and threats to the natural ecosystem within the Ocmulgee corridor. The Consultant will identify potential environmental impacts on the proposed national park and preserve corridor and strategies for promoting land conservation and environmental sustainability. Specific items to be addressed in this element include but are not limited to the following: a. Air quality b. Water quality c. Climate change risks d. Natural disasters (flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.) e. Endangered species and critical habitats f. Compatible recreational initiatives to further land protection activities g. Land restoration and remediation opportunities