This project requires the use of a chain saw and/or brush cutter to hand thin sapling sized trees in 5 different treatment units, totaling 793.4 acres. Felling Requirements 1. Cut trees shall be completely severed from the stump. No hang-up "straps" will be permitted. 2. All felled trees shall be severed below the lowest live limb. The maximum stump height shall be 6 inches above ground level, as measured on the uphill side of the tree. 3. Cut trees shall be felled parallel to each other and not criss-crossed or jack-strawed. 4. Cut trees shall be felled away from unit boundaries into the units, roads, maintained trails, wildlife trails, fence lines, established land corners, and streams. Any trees felled on such areas shall be removed. Old roads that are closed can have cut trees fell across them. This will be on a case by case basis. 5. Dead standing trees shall not be cut. 6. Bearing, section-line, or trail-blazed trees shall not be cut. Unit boundary trees with unit flagging can be cut if determined to be excess. 7. Snow damaged, bent over trees will be cut if they are not dead. 8. Cottonwood, birch and aspen trees and other hard woods shall not be considered as crop trees. All cottonwood, birch and aspen trees will be felled, regardless of DBH, if they are within 10 feet of a desired crop tree. E. Slash Requirements 1. Thinning slash shall be confined within unit boundaries 2. Thinning slash shall be removed from all roads, adjacent cut-and-fill slopes, and ditches. 3. Thinning slash shall be bucked and limbed to within 18-inches of the ground. 4. Thinning slash shall be removed from all ephemeral and intermittent stream channels and wet areas that carry seasonal water. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS: Average Spacing: The average distances between all leave trees necessary to provide the desired number of leave trees per acre. Crown Spacing: The horizontal distance from the widest part of the crown of one leave tree to the widest part of the crown of the next leave tree.