Statements of qualificaƟons and proposals are being requested from consultants with a strong record in successfully assisƟng local governments with grant wriƟng for and implementaƟon of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs. Responding firms should be qualified to provide grant administraƟon and related services including, but not limited to: PreparaƟon of the grant applicaƟon; PreparaƟon of the Environmental Review Record; PreparaƟon of draw/disbursement requests; Assistance with financial administraƟon of grant funds and record keeping; Assistance with holding public hearings; Assistance with any required acquisiƟon following the Uniform RelocaƟon Assistance and Real Property AcquisiƟon Act (URA); AssisƟng the engineer with preparaƟon of bid documents, adverƟsing and conducƟng the bid opening; AssisƟng the County with Davis-Bacon and related labor requirements including weekly payroll review and employee interviews; AssisƟng the County with meeƟng AffirmaƟvely Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) requirements; and PreparaƟon of close-out documents.