III. SCOPE OF WORK/SPECIFICATIONS The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is soliciting for a three (3) year On –Call Tree Removal Services within or near the right of way limits on SCDOT maintained roads and routes in York County. This will include cutting and leaving, cutting and removing, cutting, removing, and stump grinding. Section 1 – General Requirements On-Call Tree Removal shall be performed according to the following: 1.1 Provide all implements, machinery, equipment, tools, materials, transportation, mobilization, labor, licenses, bonding, fuel, incidentals, work zone traffic control, and any other items necessary to perform On-Call Tree Removal and the associated activities described in these specifications. 1.2 Provide traffic control in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and NCHRP 350 Standards. http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/pdfs/2009r1r2/mutcd2009r1r2edition.pdf https://www.scdot.org/business/pdf/accessMgt/trafficEngineering/NCHRP350List_ALL2.pdf 1.3 Preserve and protect all existing vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and grass on or adjacent to the site of the work, which are not to be removed and which do not unreasonably interfere with the work. Due care shall be taken at all times in removing trees authorized for removal to avoid damage to vegetation that is to remain in place. Any damage to adjacent property caused by the vendor’s operations shall be repaired and restored to the satisfaction of the engineer. Damage Claims shall be handled as outlined in Section 4.5 and 4.6 of this contract. Failure of the vendor to resolve damage claims issues in an appropriate and timely manner as determined by the Engineer shall serve as grounds for suspending work and placing the vendor in delinquent status until such issues have been resolved. 1.4 Protect from damage all existing improvements within the work site, which include but are not limited to: signs, fences, guardrail, and drainage structures. 1.5 Nothing in this contract should be construed as authorizing use of mechanical equipment solely in removing all of the trees covered by this contract. In fact, it may be necessary for some portion of these trees to be removed by hand because of the size and to avoid excessive damage to other vegetation or existing facilities. 1.6 The contractor will be responsible for disposal of all debris at an approved off-site disposal area or areas and for the obtaining of any federal, state, or local permits that may be required. All tipping or other disposal fees shall be paid by the contractor. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) can assist the contractor in locating pre-approved disposal sites and/or methods for each county in South Carolina. 1.7 The contractor, at his discretion, may elect to dispose of some of the smaller debris by mechanical chipping. If the contractor uses this option, the chipped material shall be blown out and scattered within the right-of-way as mulch. The accumulated chipped material shall be spread by hand or mechanical means in a lift or blanket not to exceed ¾ of an inch. No chipped material will be allowed to remain on any portion of the paved travel ways or shoulders or on the right-of-way in front of residential/commercial property. 1.8 Provide personnel with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Failure to provide proper PPE and use of this equipment shall be grounds for the Engineer to suspend work until compliance is met. 1.9 Provide personnel with a list of emergency telephone numbers. Failure to produce this list on the project shall be grounds for the Engineer to suspend work until such a list is provided by the vendor for each work crew. 1.10 The Department prohibits the Contractor or any Subcontractor from storing material and equipment adjacent to a roadway in an unsafe manner. The Contractor shall always store material and equipment at the greatest possible distance from the adjacent edge of pavement when the right-of-way and space is available. Also, the Contractor should utilize areas protected by guardrail or temporary concrete barrier when available. On roadways with limited right-of-way, the Contractor shall store material and equipment no closer than 15’ from the adjacent edge of pavement when space is available. Whenever space is limited and the 15’ distance is unavailable, the Contractor shall store material and equipment at the greatest possible distance from the adjacent edge of pavement and supplement the complete lengths of these areas with portable plastic drums spaced at 5’ intervals.