2.0 Project Description In 2016 the City of Peoria (referred to in this document as “the City”) completed a Bicycle Master Plan. Since 2016 several projects have been implemented and other regional plans have been developed. The City is requesting assistance with updating its Bicycle Master Plan to incorporate new priorities and prepare an implementation strategy. Bicycle improvements have been proven to positively impact community health, safety and economic prosperity in communities nationwide. Through this plan, the City intends to thoughtfully develop a master plan that provides a road map for the Peoria to become a community where bicycling is a safe, comfortable, and convenient transportation option for all residents. However, funding can be a challenge to constructing all the projects to meet the needs. Therefore, the plan will include an outline of priority projects with potential funding sources, so the city has an implementation strategy moving forward. Tri-County and the City of Peoria propose the planning process to include the following: • Project Management This task includes the day-to-day management associated with successful development of the Bicycle Plan Update and Implementation Strategy. The Consultant will be the primary party responsible for RFQ: City of Peoria Bicycle Master Plan Update and Implementation Strategy Page 3 of 11 leading the development of this plan and will provide all necessary coordination and technical input/analysis to successfully fulfill this role. This includes coordinating all aspects of plan development with a core project team, made up of key stakeholders. • Document & Data Assets Review The Consultant will assemble and review existing plans, documents, GIS information, and other datasets which may impact data collection needs and inform plan development. This will include, but not limited to, the City of Peoria Comprehensive Plan (including the City land use and zoning codes), 2016 Bicycle Master Plan, BikeConnect HOI, the City’s Capital Improvement Plan, the Illinois Department of Transportation Active Transportation Plan, Peoria Park District plans, Peoria School District plans, regional transportation plans. • Data Collection & Preparation This task will involve the collection, consolidation, and organization of the datasets and resources necessary to perform the analyses required for the Bicycle Plan Update development and populate the existing conditions section, implementation action plan, and priority projects listing. At a minimum, these datasets will include available bicycle and pedestrian crash data, bicycle asset inventory, roadway inventory, bicycle activity metrics, motorized volume data, local land use data, and points of interest. • Existing Conditions The Consultant will conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis of existing conditions related to bicycling within the study limits. This work will describe how the current transportation system performs related to goals, such as safety, connectivity, equity, network utilization, livability, and preservation. Work will result in a State of Bicycling in Peoria technical memo providing content and insight into final plan development. Content and findings from this section will also be incorporated into stakeholder/public workshops as defined in Stakeholder Engagement & Outreach task.