1. Assist the Authority in evaluating alternate methods for raising capital funds; 2. Assess the expected buyers of the Authority’s proposed debt and recommend strategies for marketing the Authority’s bonds; 3. Assist the Authority in structuring new money/refunding debt to provide optimal capital cost based on Authority’s statutory constraints; 4. Assess the credit strengths and weaknesses of the Authority and any strategies for rating agencies that you would recommend; 5. Attend meetings of the Authority in order to advise and report to members of the Authority and its Board; 6. Provide an independent registered municipal advisor exemption that the Authority will rely upon in its communications with banks; 7. As requested by the Authority, analyze in detail matters relating to the financing transactions. Such analysis may include review of financial information, draft bond documents and official statements; advice regarding costs of issuance, underwriter’s fees or discounts, rating agency negotiations, bond insurers presentations, and printing of official statements; consultation with staff, the Board and outside contractors of the Authority or other participants in the bond issue; advice concerning investment of proceeds; and 8. Provide other Financial Advisory Services as requested by the Authority