1. Displays should be no less than 20 minutes in length and no more than 25 minutes. 2. Displays shall be prepared to be released at dusk, approximately 9:00 PM, on the specified dates. 3. Total compensation shall not exceed $21,500.00 (USD) including tax. 4. Contractor must be federally licensed for pyrotechnic displays. 5. All necessary permits through the Arkansas State Police and State Fire Marshall Office must be secured 30 days prior to show. 6. Siloam Springs Fire Chief will have sole discretion as to the decision to fire shells based on inclement weather, wind, crowd issues, security, etc. 7. The City will barricade and determine staging location. 8. The City will provide support at the event to include Public Safety personnel. 9. Contractor must identify, locate and dispose of any unexploded shells. 10. Contractor must participate with a sweep of grounds for debris at the conclusion of each event. 11. Contractor must submit an invoice prior to receiving payment. The payment schedule is determined by the City and payment for goods and services will follow state and local guidelines. 12. In the event of any unforeseeable circumstances which significantly delay or cancel the display on the designated day, no display will be held that year. Both the City and the contractor’s obligations under the contract resulting from this proposal shall be null and void for the remainder of that fiscal year.