The Board of Education of the City of Chicago (the “Board”) is soliciting proposals from qualified organizations to support the Office of School Safety and Security (“OSSS”) Back to Our Future program. The overall goal of Back to Our Future (“B2OF”), an ultra high needs intervention program, is to re-engage 14-21 year- old youth that have been disconnected from district schools. The selected Proposer, also referred to in this Scope as the “Vendor,” shall act as an intermediary, working with the Chicago Public Schools, the City of Chicago, the Illinois Department of Human Services and sub-vendors to support the reengagement of disconnected youth. Ultimately, the vendor will provide the support services and resources described in the RFP to help sub-vendors engage youth participants in intensive reengagement programming and connection to employment, aiming to help them become less prone to violence and violent activity and reconnect to the educational pathway that best suits the needs of each participant.