In accordance with recommendations in the Beaver Brook Park Master Plan completed in 2009, the purpose of this project is to expand an existing passive recreation area adjacent to Spring Street Pond, and to also address historical issues with erosion, overtopping of the earthen dam embankment and associated flooding that frequently requires closure of local roads in the vicinity. These improvements will provide an amenity for many residences in the vicinity who want the Town to improve public use of this area, and will also improve bicycle and pedestrian mobility and safety, connectivity to existing and planned trails, the Broad Street Green and Main Street in Old Wethersfield, which will enhance the quality of life for residents and the surrounding communities. The project area is centered around Spring Street Pond, which is located along Beaver Brook in the eastern portion of town and extends from the Great Meadows Conservation Trust property located immediately south of Maple Street (State Route 3) to Main Street located to the north. The entire project area is located within the FEMA 100-year floodplain. The main components of the project shall include: • Construction of new park amenities and landscape improvements near Spring Street Pond to enhance the existing passive recreational area • Reconstruction of the earthen embankment and improvements to outlet controls for the pond • Constructing new walks and trails to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety with connections between Main Street, Broad Street and Middletown Avenue along the Beaver Brook Linear Park, which may include removal of some local roads A site map showing the general location of the Spring Street Pond and Dam is provided below. Scope of Services The preliminary scope of services is outlined below: 1.0 PROJECT PLANNING AND SURVEYING SERVICES Attend a meeting with Town staff to start the project and complete a Property and Topographic Survey within the project area near Spring Street, Maple Street, Middletown Avenue and Broad Street and other areas as needed to design proposed improvements. Establish new project control points within the project area for reference during design and construction. Horizontal and vertical datums used shall be CT NAD 83 and NAVD 88, respectively. Task 1.1 Kickoff Meeting Assume attendance at one (1) in-person, project kickoff meeting with Town staff to discuss the project scope of work, schedule and associated tasks. Task 1.2 Property Survey Conduct land surveying to generate a Property Survey of the project area as required to complete the design. Conduct the survey in accordance with an “A-2” standard as adopted by the Connecticut Association of Land Surveyors in 2018, as amended. Record plans and deeds should be obtained for the project area and immediate adjacent parcels at the Town Clerk’s office and other appropriate agencies. Evidence of the perimeter property lines and highway lines (bounds, pipes, fences, walls, etc.) should be field measured, analyzed, and compiled with record data and shown on the property survey map. The property survey map should show bearings and distances on the perimeter boundary and monuments found during the survey. Task 1.3 Topographic and Existing Conditions Survey Locate and measure the topographic and permanent features within the project area. Land surveying should be performed in accordance with a “T-2” standard as adopted by the Connecticut Association of Land Surveyors in 2018, as amended. The features to be located include, but are not limited to, pavement, curb lines, fence lines, utility poles, trees >12” diameter, wetland flags and above ground utility structures within the project limits. The topographic survey should also include the location of visible evidence of any underground utilities. Utilities not observed in the field must be depicted on the survey plans from available record plans obtained from the appropriate utility agency. Utility information to be depicted on the topographic survey shall include the following: • Approximate location and size of sanitary sewers, water and gas infrastructure, and other utilities including, but not limited to, fire hydrants, buried tanks, vaults, etc. based on available maps and above ground observations. • Approximate location of electric, telephone and cable utilities, traffic signal systems and street lighting. • Location of storm drainage structures, weir/wall elevations, rim elevations, and inverts with sizes of all connected pipes. Due to frequent backwater conditions and flat grades, it is expected that culverts located downstream beneath Maple Street will need to be field located. 3.0 DATA COLLECTION Task 3 Collect and review the following available information: • Preliminary Design Plan for dam repairs prepared by the Town of Wethersfield dated 12/19/17 • Beaver Brook Park Master Plan prepared by VHB dated July 2009 • Watershed Management Study prepared by Milone & MacBroom dated September 1995 • Topographic, utility and other information from the Town’s GIS data and/or utility companies • Local Planning and Zoning and Inland Wetlands Regulations • FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) and Flood Profiles • DEEP Dam Registration Form