ODOT is seeking one qualified contractor to furnish 1/4" – #10 sanding rock to ODOT Maintenance District 5 (Lane County. Sanding Aggregates - Provide sanding aggregates meeting the following requirements: (1) Grading - Furnish clean, hard, and durable aggregate in stockpiles meeting the following grading requirements: Sanding Rock Designated Size 1/4" - #10 Percent Passing Sieve Size (by Weight) 1/2" ----- 3/8" 100 1/4" 85-100 No. 4 ----- No. 10 0-10 No. 40 ----- No. 200 0-2.0 Perform sieve analysis according to AASHTO T 27 and T 11. All 1/4" - #10 sanding aggregate shall meet the specific grading requirements. Material must be washed. (2) Elongated Pieces - Elongated pieces in aggregate larger than 1/4 inch shall be determined according to ODOT TM 229, with the proportional caliper device set at a ratio of 5:1, and shall not exceed 10 percent by weight of the material retained on the 1/4 inch sieve. (3) Fractured Faces - Provide aggregates consisting of broken stone, crushed gravel, or a combination of both. Crush aggregate such that at least 90% by weight of the total aggregate retained on the No. 8 and larger sieves is fractured on two faces, as determined according to AASHTO T 335.