PERS requires the services of a Medical Advisor to review and provide recommendations on PERS Member disability applications. These services are provided on-site to two distinct sections at PERS: Benefit Preparation Section (BP) and Policy Analysis & Compliance Section (PACS). The BP receives, reviews, and determines whether a member’s application meets Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) standards for PERS disability benefits. The Medical Advisor provides PERS a professional opinion based on the information that has been provided and recommends a decision on the determination. In the event of a denial, the member may request a Contested Case Hearing by contacting PACS. The Medical Advisor may be called upon by PERS staff or an Assistant Attorney General to review and advise on the appeal and perhaps to testify at the hearing. The Medical Advisor will perform the services off-site and remotely during regular PERS business hours.