The work to be undertaken includes, but is not limited to: A. Emergency Road Clearance: Removal of debris from the primary transportation routes as directed by the city of Covington. B. Debris Removal from Public Property: Removal of debris from public rights of way. Removal of debris beyond public rights of way as necessary to abate imminent and/or significant threats to the public health and safety of the community. C. Debris Removal from Private Property: Should an imminent threat to life, safety, and health to the general public be present on private property, the Contractor, as directed by the City of Covington, will accomplish the removal of debris from private property. This item will be monitored for strict compliance with FEMA regulations regarding eligibility. D. Debris Removal from Rights of Way (ROW) with FHWA Requirements: Federal-Aid Requirements of the Federal Highway Administration’s Form FHWA-1273 titled “Required Contract Provisions – Federal-Aid Construction Contracts” shall apply to all work performed by the Contractor or any of its Subcontractors. E. Debris Removal from Waterways: Removal of debris from waterways (i.e., rivers, streams, canals, bayous, lakes, bays, ditches, etc.) may be conducted in emergency and non-emergency projects and must follow the requirements set forth in required permits and guidance from the local, State or federal funding agency...