All biosolids are at a minimum Class II, typically Class I. The Water Pollution Control Facility (WPC) uses alkaline stabilization treatment to meet pH, vector attraction reduction and pathogen reduction requirements per IAC 567-67.8. The estimated amount of biosolids to be land applied is up to 15,000 wet tons, but this amount is not guaranteed and may be exceeded if conditions warrant. Land Application or landfilling services will be periodically scheduled, typically for fall and/or spring land application. Unforeseen circumstances or emergency conditions may require land application and/or landfilling of biosolids at other times of the year. Contractor is responsible for weighing the biosolids for land application. Contractor shall provide the scale tickets to determine the amount of biosolids in each load removed. Contractor shall be responsible for supplying all the necessary equipment to load, measure, transport and properly apply the material according to the appropriate agronomic rate and Federal and State regulations. Contractor is responsible for locating land for application of biosolids, with the exception of any prearranged fields (arranged by WPC personnel). All fields identified by the Contractor for land application must be approved by the WPC project manager or designee prior to land application, and WPC reserves the right to reject a field for land application. Contractor shall not use field storage of biosolids without approval of the WPC project manager or designee. No field is allowed within a 25-mile radius of the Water Pollution Control Facility...