a. Manage Pre-Approved Services Providers. • Center Operator shall manage the Pre-Approved Services Providers that are leasing space in the DHRC from the City. • Center Operator shall be the liaison between Pre-Approved Services Providers and the City and shall inform the City of any Pre-Approved Services Providers needs. • Center Operator shall monitor Pre-Approved Services Providers to ensure such providers are complying with DHRC policies and leases. b. Provide Expertise and Specialized Services: • Provide direct specialized services, as approved by the City, based on the Center Operator’s expertise and own funding. • The services that the Center Operator provides at the Center must first be approved by the City’s Director of Community Services and Engagement or his or her designee. • Collaborate with City staff to develop and enhance the Center’s offerings. c. Ensure Consistent Availability: • Maintain regular and consistent availability at the Center (11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday) to ensure accessibility to community members seeking services during the Center’s hours of operation. d. Focus on Center Goals: • Align the services to be provided at the Center by the Center Operator and PreApproved Service Providers with the overall goals and mission of the Center. • Ensure that programming is collaborative and aimed at meeting the mission and objectives of the Center.