Brain Calcium Imaging System per attached specifications. Purpose Scope of Purchase: Pennington Biomedical Research Center (PBRC) is solicitating bids for its Brain Glycemic and Metabolism Control Lab for a system that allows in vivo brain imaging system that operates in an environment that allows for free moving animals. PBRC uses Rat and Mouse based animal models so the viewing system must be designed to fit within size parameters that accommodate the small cranial size of the chosen animal’s model. Specifications: 1. Indicator delivery – Supplier system must use a nonliving virus to introduce a calcium indicator to the neurons of interest. The indicator fluoresces when Calcium ions are present which indicates neuron activity. The supplier’s system must be able to use Genetically Encoded Calcium (GCaMP) Indicators. Suppliers’ system may incorporate other indicators, but GCaMP is a mandatory requirement. 2. The supplier’s system must have an implantable Gradient Refractive Index (GRIN) lens diameter of which cannot exceed 400 µM. This is a key feature to allow the smallest amount of tissue to be removed. 3. Supplier system must possess the capacity to view and address, at a minimum, 10 neurons at one-time. 4. Supplier system must feature a head-mounted viewing scope that is small enough not to cause restrictions in the animal’s movement. Size and dimensions of viewing scope must be as follows: a) Weight must not exceed 2.25 grams. b) Dimensions must not exceed 11.5 mm height x 15mm width x 21mm length. 5. Modality may be either single-channel or dual-channel epifluorescence. 6. Excitation and Emission must be at 475/10 nm (blue) for excitation and 535/50 nm (green) for emission. 7. The maximum field of view must be a minimum of 1400 pixels x 1020 pixels or greater. 8. Data Acquisition from the viewing scope must record the fluorescence signals at a minimum rate of 30 frames per second or faster. 9. Supplier systems must incorporate software that allows users to process captured data and edit data both in real-time and offline. Processing functions that must be present are motion correction of animal, image registration, and event detection. These features are a requirement to allow the PBRC researchers to correct raw data by identifying active neurons and activity patterns. 10. Software must allow captured data to be manipulated allowing researcher to generate heat maps and activity tracing. 11. Supplier must provide multiple days of onsite training for 12-15 researchers/lab assistants on operation of system.