• TASK 1: Assess the general building improvement needs three municipal buildings ▪ Vacated Town Hall, 20 Williams Street ▪ Community House, 735 Longmeadow Street, and ▪ Old Town Hall, 417 Longmeadow Street o Identify capital improvements, including code upgrades and ADA access improvements o Create a prioritization plan for the general building improvement maintenance needs and capital improvement projects and estimated costs for improvements; o Conduct a community listening session and/or survey to solicit public feedback on the future reuse of the parcels o Recommend options for highest best use of the buildings and parcel land these properties are located on. Recommendations for future use of buildings and parcel. • TASK 2: Perform a ‘Staffing Level and Budget Assessment’ for the DPW Facilities Division ‘Staffing Level and Budget Assessment’ will review the current budgeted positions in the division, and the current operating budget associated for the upkeep of all Town and School buildings. The assessment will also review the budgeted positions for daily custodial requirements of town buildings and the corresponding maintenance and supply budget. The assessment should review and recommend: - Custodial staffing requirements per building - Building improvement trade maintenance staffing for all school and town buildings - Annual Budget for: o Custodial staffing and building maintenance staffing o Custodial supply products and services o Building improvement supply maintenance