The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) proposes to improve I-526 from I-26 to US 17 in Mount Pleasant. The project team for LCC East will be responsible for coordinating with the Lowcountry Corridor West project team in order to ensure consistency with the East and West phases. LCC West extends from Rivers Avenue to Paul Cantrell Boulevard. The project limits and general area to be evaluated for LCC East are delineated in Figure 1 below. The project includes adding capacity along I-526 mainline including interchange improvements at potentially all interchanges within this corridor. Improvements will also be evaluated along the intersecting exit routes to determine their operational impact on the interstate mainline. Traffic studies will be conducted as a part of this project to determine the necessary improvements along the corridor. This contract will be scoped in two parts. Part I will consist of tasks necessary to receive a NEPA decision, obtain all necessary permits, and preliminary ROW design. Part II of this scope may include the work required to implement the project through project delivery. The scope of this Part I contract includes project management, field surveys, traffic studies and modeling, environmental document and NEPA compliance, public involvement, environmental permitting, road design, bridge design, hydrology and hydraulic design, value engineering, geotechnical services, environmental site assessments/hazardous materials, subsurface utility engineering, utility coordination, railroad coordination, right of way coordination/services, cost and schedule risk analysis, financial management plan, project management plan, electrical and communications system replacement, grant writing assistance, and implementation approach in order to support the SCDOT with preparation of the design for the project.