The successful Contractors shall provide on-call hotel accommodations, complimentary or at-cost parking, and access to complimentary or at-cost food options. 1.3 Service Specifications - The Products provided by the Successful Contractor must adhere to the following specifications: 1.3.1 Hotel must be located within the three miles radius of 2929 N. Kerby Ave, Portland, Oregon 97227. 1.3.2 Hotel must have secure parking. Options may include complimentary, at cost, or at-cost valet and must be specified on Bid Schedule. 1.3.3 Hotel must provide meal options on premises. Options may include a hotel kitchen, marketplace, meal voucher, or other equal option that must be specified on Bid Schedule. 1.3.4 Hotel must have a 24-hour staffed desk on premises. 1.3.5 The number of hotel rooms needed will vary from year to year and is dictated by the timing and severity of emergency incidents, including winter weather. PBOT expects an average of 50 single occupancy room-nights per year and a maximum of 500 single occupancy room-nights per year. Availability permitting, individual hotels may be asked to provide between 10 – 50 single occupancy hotel rooms for up to a week. 1.3.6 PBOT strives to identify all staff requiring hotels by-name approximately 48-72 hours in advance, but in some cases may cold call hotels seeking immediate room availability.