a) All firewood shall be fully seasoned, dry and free of rot and/or mold and with a moisture content of less than 20% as determined by a digital moisture meter. Wet, unseasoned, or moldy wood or wood exceeding 20% moisture content will not be accepted. b) All firewood delivered shall be from a dry, covered storage area. c) Firewood shall be no more than six (6) inches or less than three (3) inches in diameter and approximately 16 inches long. d) Firewood shall be delivered in bundles of no less than 0.9 cubic feet in volume and be securely bound, using twine, rubber bands or minimal shrink-wrapping. e) Firewood bundles shall be delivered on pallets with approximately 50 bundles per pallet. Firewood bundles shall be firmly secured on pallets with straps or minimal shrink-wrap bands to reduce plastic waste. Pallets shall be heavy-duty industry standard capable of repeated use and reloading. Contractor shall retrieve empty pallets upon next delivery. Firewood bundles shall be delivered to The Cove Palisades State Park campground firewood storage areas.