Pursuant to the State Purchasing Act (Official Code of Georgia Annotated §§50-5-50 et seq.), this electronic Request for Proposals (“eRFP”) is being issued to establish a contract with a qualified supplier who will provide Vocational Rehabilitation Client Information System RFP Project Management and Consulting to the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (hereinafter, “the State Entity” or “GVRA”) as further described in this eRFP. The State Entity’s employees and management are in need of the development of a project plan for acquiring an effective client information system (CIS) that will serve as a tool to help staff make policy-appropriate decisions, collect and report valid and accurate data, and take actions in a timely and responsive manner. The intent of such solicitation for a CIS is to find a system that allows the State Entity to service more clients while providing quality services in collaboration with internal and external stakeholders. The acquisition of a suitable CIS is incredibly complex and requires unique subject matter knowledge in both Vocational Rehabilitation programs and information technology. An adequate CIS must be developed to ensure that GVRA is in compliance with both state and federal regulatory requirements that range from programmatic policies to fiscal mandates. Beyond the development of processes from an internal programmatic and fiscal requirements, any CIS must be able to interface with various entities for reporting and payment purposes. To adequately acquire such system, the State Entity seeks oversight of this project, which would include providing project management and consultative services for the various project- and subproject-related tasks throughout the life cycle of the acquisition, including but not limited to need evaluation, solicitation preparation, bid evaluation, and implementation. The objective of this project is to implement a comprehensive CIS for GVRA that aims to enhance productivity, improve user experience, and streamline processes. The project is structured into multiple phases, starting with Project Preparation, where the project governance structure is established, stakeholders are identified, and current systems are assessed. This phase also involves researching and drafting recommendations for system enhancements and developing project teams, timelines, and communication plans.