QUANTITY: 2,400,000 copies, with no underrun, and overrun not to exceed 1%. FORMAT: This is a single 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed 1/0 in reflex blue (no bleeds), microperforated into equal thirds, and delivered flat, shrink-wrapped in 250’s. See image on page 12. STOCK: White 28 lb. bond suitable for laser printing. If this paper is available off the shelf with 30% or more postconsumer waste content, then you must quote it that way. However if 30% PCW content can only be had by means of a special making order, then please quote on a stock item that is readily available having the highest PCW content available; and if only virgin-fiber paper is readily available off the shelf, then please quote on that and indicate why. DESIGN: None by vendor. PAGE MAKEUP: Electronic file provided by client in PDF format with hard copy for reference. The image will be a printed-on “watermark” (not Fourdrinier-made) of the Great Seal of the State of New Hampshire, appearing in three locations on the page. Screen tint value of the watermark is to be 4%.